mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 03:57:11 +00:00
Reworked control marshaling code to be aware of and enforce size limits by starting to fragment sooner.
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
board_build.flash_mode = dout
;build_flags =
build_flags =
lib_deps =
@ -267,10 +267,12 @@ uint32_t ESPUIclient::prepareJSONChunk(uint16_t startindex,
xSemaphoreTake(ESPUI.ControlsSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY);
#endif // def ESP32
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Start. InUpdateMode: ") + String(InUpdateMode));
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Start. InUpdateMode: ") + String(InUpdateMode));
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Start. startindex: ") + String(startindex));
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: Start. FragmentRequestString: '") + FragmentRequestString + "'");
int elementcount = 0;
uint32_t MaxEstimatedMarshaledJsonSize = (!InUpdateMode) ? ESPUI.jsonInitialDocumentSize: ESPUI.jsonUpdateDocumentSize;
uint32_t TotalEstimatedMarshaledJsonSize = 0;
uint32_t MaxMarshaledJsonSize = (!InUpdateMode) ? ESPUI.jsonInitialDocumentSize: ESPUI.jsonUpdateDocumentSize;
uint32_t EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize = 0;
do // once
@ -388,21 +390,32 @@ uint32_t ESPUIclient::prepareJSONChunk(uint16_t startindex,
TotalEstimatedMarshaledJsonSize += control->GetEstimatedMarshaledSize();
bool DocWillOverflow = TotalEstimatedMarshaledJsonSize >= MaxEstimatedMarshaledJsonSize;
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: MaxMarshaledJsonSize: ")) + String(MaxMarshaledJsonSize));
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: Cur EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize: ")) + String(EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize));
JsonObject item = items.createNestedObject();
control->MarshalControl(item, InUpdateMode, DataOffset);
uint32_t RemainingSpace = (MaxMarshaledJsonSize - EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize) - 100;
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: RemainingSpace: ")) + String(RemainingSpace));
uint32_t SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl = 0;
bool ControlIsFragmented = control->MarshalControl(item,
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl: ")) + String(SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl));
EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize += SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl;
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: New EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize: ")) + String(EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize));
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: ControlIsFragmented: ")) + String(ControlIsFragmented));
if (DocWillOverflow || (ESPUI.jsonChunkNumberMax > 0 && (elementcount % ESPUI.jsonChunkNumberMax) == 0))
// did the control get added to the doc?
if (0 == SpaceUsedByMarshaledControl ||
(ESPUI.jsonChunkNumberMax > 0 && (elementcount % ESPUI.jsonChunkNumberMax) == 0))
// String("prepareJSONChunk: too much data in the message. Remove the last entry");
// Serial.println( String("prepareJSONChunk: too much data in the message. Remove the last entry"));
if (1 == elementcount)
Serial.println(String(F("ERROR: prepareJSONChunk: Control ")) + String(control->id) + F(" is too large to be sent to the browser."));
// Serial.println(String(F("prepareJSONChunk: Control ")) + String(control->id) + F(" is too large to be sent to the browser."));
// Serial.println(String(F("ERROR: prepareJSONChunk: value: ")) + control->value);
item = items.createNestedObject();
@ -420,13 +433,16 @@ uint32_t ESPUIclient::prepareJSONChunk(uint16_t startindex,
// exit the loop
control = nullptr;
else if (SingleControl)
else if ((SingleControl) ||
(ControlIsFragmented) ||
(MaxMarshaledJsonSize < (EstimatedUsedMarshaledJsonSize + 100)))
// Serial.println("prepareJSONChunk: exit loop");
// Serial.println("prepareJSONChunk: Doc is Full, Fragmented Control or Single Control. exit loop");
control = nullptr;
// Serial.println("prepareJSONChunk: Next Control");
control = control->next;
} // end while (control != nullptr)
@ -437,7 +453,7 @@ uint32_t ESPUIclient::prepareJSONChunk(uint16_t startindex,
#endif // def ESP32
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: elementcount: ") + String(elementcount));
// Serial.println(String("prepareJSONChunk: END: elementcount: ") + String(elementcount));
return elementcount;
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ Control::Control(ControlType type, const char* label, std::function<void(Control
id = ++idCounter;
ControlChangeID = 1;
Control::Control(const Control& Control)
@ -32,8 +31,7 @@ Control::Control(const Control& Control)
{ }
void Control::SendCallback(int type)
@ -50,20 +48,70 @@ void Control::DeleteControl()
callback = nullptr;
void Control::MarshalControl(JsonObject & _item, bool refresh, uint32_t StartingOffset)
bool Control::MarshalControl(JsonObject & _item,
bool refresh,
uint32_t StartingOffset,
uint32_t AvailMarshaledLength,
uint32_t &EstimatedMarshaledLength)
JsonObject & item = _item;
uint32_t length = value.length();
uint32_t maxLength = uint32_t(double(ESPUI.jsonInitialDocumentSize) * 0.75);
if((length > maxLength) || StartingOffset)
Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:Start Fragment Processing"));
Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:id: ") + String(id));
Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:length: ") + String(length));
Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:StartingOffset: ") + String(StartingOffset));
Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:maxLength: ") + String(maxLength));
// this code assumes MaxMarshaledLength > JsonMarshalingRatio
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: StartingOffset: ") + String(StartingOffset));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: AvailMarshaledLength: ") + String(AvailMarshaledLength));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: Control ID: ") + String(id));
bool ControlIsFragmented = false;
// create a new item in the response document
JsonObject & item = _item;
// how much space do we expect to use?
uint32_t ValueMarshaledLength = (value.length() - StartingOffset) * JsonMarshalingRatio;
uint32_t LabelMarshaledLength = strlen(label) * JsonMarshalingRatio;
uint32_t MinimumMarshaledLength = LabelMarshaledLength + JsonMarshaledOverhead;
uint32_t MaximumMarshaledLength = ValueMarshaledLength + MinimumMarshaledLength;
uint32_t SpaceForMarshaledValue = AvailMarshaledLength - MinimumMarshaledLength;
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: value.length(): ") + String(value.length()));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: ValueMarshaledLength: ") + String(ValueMarshaledLength));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: LabelMarshaledLength: ") + String(LabelMarshaledLength));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: MaximumMarshaledLength: ") + String(MaximumMarshaledLength));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: MinimumMarshaledLength: ") + String(MinimumMarshaledLength));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: SpaceForMarshaledValue: ") + String(SpaceForMarshaledValue));
// will the item fit in the remaining space? Fragment if not
if (AvailMarshaledLength < MinimumMarshaledLength)
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: Cannot Marshal control. Not enough space for basic headers."));
EstimatedMarshaledLength = 0;
return false;
uint32_t MaxValueLength = (SpaceForMarshaledValue / JsonMarshalingRatio);
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: MaxValueLength: ") + String(MaxValueLength));
uint32_t ValueLenToSend = min((value.length() - StartingOffset), MaxValueLength);
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: ValueLenToSend: ") + String(ValueLenToSend));
uint32_t AdjustedMarshaledLength = (ValueLenToSend * JsonMarshalingRatio) + MinimumMarshaledLength;
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: AdjustedMarshaledLength: ") + String(AdjustedMarshaledLength));
bool NeedToFragment = (ValueLenToSend < value.length());
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: NeedToFragment: ") + String(NeedToFragment));
if ((AdjustedMarshaledLength > AvailMarshaledLength) && (0 != ValueLenToSend))
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: Cannot Marshal control. Not enough space for marshaled control."));
EstimatedMarshaledLength = 0;
return false;
EstimatedMarshaledLength = AdjustedMarshaledLength;
// are we fragmenting?
if(NeedToFragment || StartingOffset)
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:Start Fragment Processing"));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:id: ") + String(id));
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:StartingOffset: ") + String(StartingOffset));
if(0 == StartingOffset)
Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: New control to fragement. ID: ") + String(id));
@ -72,17 +120,18 @@ void Control::MarshalControl(JsonObject & _item, bool refresh, uint32_t Starting
Serial.println(String("MarshalControl: Next fragement. ID: ") + String(id));
// indicate that no additional controls should be sent
ControlIsFragmented = true;
// fill in the fragment header
_item[F("type")] = uint32_t(ControlType::Fragment);
_item[F("id")] = id;
length = min((length - StartingOffset), maxLength);
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:Final length: ") + String(length));
_item[F("offset")] = StartingOffset;
_item[F("length")] = length;
_item[F("length")] = ValueLenToSend;
_item[F("total")] = value.length();
item = _item.createNestedObject(F("control"));
@ -99,7 +148,7 @@ void Control::MarshalControl(JsonObject & _item, bool refresh, uint32_t Starting
item[F("label")] = label;
item[F ("value")] = (ControlType::Password == type) ? F ("--------") : value.substring(StartingOffset, length + StartingOffset);
item[F ("value")] = (ControlType::Password == type) ? F ("--------") : value.substring(StartingOffset, StartingOffset + ValueLenToSend);
item[F("visible")] = visible;
item[F("color")] = (int)color;
item[F("enabled")] = enabled;
@ -132,6 +181,9 @@ void Control::MarshalControl(JsonObject & _item, bool refresh, uint32_t Starting
item[F("selected")] = "";
// Serial.println(String("MarshalControl:Done"));
return ControlIsFragmented;
void Control::MarshalErrorMessage(JsonObject & item)
@ -282,10 +334,3 @@ void Control::onWsEvent(String & cmd, String& data)
} while (false);
void Control::EstimateMarshaledSize()
EstimatedMarshaledSize = MarshalingOverhead + (JsonMarshalingRatio * (strlen(label) + value.length()));
} // EstimateSerializedSize
@ -83,26 +83,23 @@ public:
void SendCallback(int type);
bool HasCallback() { return (nullptr != callback); }
void MarshalControl(ArduinoJson::JsonObject& item, bool refresh, uint32_t DataOffset);
bool MarshalControl(ArduinoJson::JsonObject& item, bool refresh, uint32_t DataOffset, uint32_t MaxLength, uint32_t & EstimmatedUsedSpace);
void MarshalErrorMessage(ArduinoJson::JsonObject& item);
void DeleteControl();
void onWsEvent(String& cmd, String& data);
inline bool ToBeDeleted() { return _ToBeDeleted; }
inline bool NeedsSync(uint32_t lastControlChangeID) {return (false == _ToBeDeleted) && (lastControlChangeID < ControlChangeID);}
void SetControlChangedId(uint32_t value) {ControlChangeID = value; EstimateMarshaledSize();}
uint32_t GetEstimatedMarshaledSize() {return EstimatedMarshaledSize;}
void SetControlChangedId(uint32_t value) {ControlChangeID = value;}
bool _ToBeDeleted = false;
uint32_t ControlChangeID = 0;
uint32_t EstimatedMarshaledSize = 0;
String OldValue = emptyString;
// multiplier for converting a typical controller label and value to a Json object
#define JsonMarshalingRatio 6
// estimated number of bytes for the fixed portion of a control rendered as Json
#define MarshalingOverhead 90
void EstimateMarshaledSize();
// multiplier for converting a typical controller label or value to a Json object
#define JsonMarshalingRatio 3
// Marshaed Control overhead length
#define JsonMarshaledOverhead 64
#define UI_TITLE ControlType::Title
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