Ability to execute commands using Go tool

This commit is contained in:
Faissal Elamraoui 2017-03-21 15:29:29 +01:00
parent 7811c335e9
commit 36436c0f53
1 changed files with 78 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import (
beeLogger "github.com/beego/bee/logger"
@ -332,3 +333,80 @@ func PrintErrorAndExit(message, errorTemplate string) {
Tmpl(fmt.Sprintf(errorTemplate, message), nil)
// GoCommand executes the passed command using Go tool
func GoCommand(command string, args ...string) error {
allargs := []string{command}
allargs = append(allargs, args...)
goBuild := exec.Command("go", allargs...)
goBuild.Stderr = os.Stderr
return goBuild.Run()
// GoBuild runs the "go build" command on the specified package
func GoBuild(debugname, pkg string) error {
buildFlags := "-ldflags='-linkmode internal'"
args := []string{"-gcflags", "-N -l", "-o", debugname}
if buildFlags != "" {
args = append(args, SplitQuotedFields(buildFlags)...)
args = append(args, pkg)
return GoCommand("build", args...)
// SplitQuotedFields is like strings.Fields but ignores spaces
// inside areas surrounded by single quotes.
// To specify a single quote use backslash to escape it: '\''
func SplitQuotedFields(in string) []string {
type stateEnum int
const (
inSpace stateEnum = iota
state := inSpace
r := []string{}
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, ch := range in {
switch state {
case inSpace:
if ch == '\'' {
state = inQuote
} else if !unicode.IsSpace(ch) {
state = inField
case inField:
if ch == '\'' {
state = inQuote
} else if unicode.IsSpace(ch) {
r = append(r, buf.String())
} else {
case inQuote:
if ch == '\'' {
state = inField
} else if ch == '\\' {
state = inQuoteEscaped
} else {
case inQuoteEscaped:
state = inQuote
if buf.Len() != 0 {
r = append(r, buf.String())
return r