add support multi package with gaoling way myPackage.struct

This commit is contained in:
Sergey Lanzman 2016-09-25 01:34:26 +03:00
parent f7d2e04e07
commit 4ebf7eab65
1 changed files with 82 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ import (
@ -50,6 +52,30 @@ var importlist map[string]string
var controllerList map[string]map[string]*swagger.Item //controllername Paths items
var modelsList map[string]map[string]swagger.Schema
var rootapi swagger.Swagger
var astPkgs map[string]*ast.Package
// refer to builtin.go
var basicTypes = map[string]string{
"bool": "boolean:",
"uint": "integer:int32",
"uint8": "integer:int32",
"uint16": "integer:int32",
"uint32": "integer:int32",
"uint64": "integer:int64",
"int": "integer:int64",
"int8": "integer:int32",
"int16:int32": "integer:int32",
"int32": "integer:int32",
"int64": "integer:int64",
"uintptr": "integer:int64",
"float32": "number:float",
"float64": "number:double",
"string": "string:",
"complex64": "number:float",
"complex128": "number:double",
"byte": "string:byte",
"rune": "string:byte",
func init() {
pkgCache = make(map[string]struct{})
@ -57,6 +83,35 @@ func init() {
importlist = make(map[string]string)
controllerList = make(map[string]map[string]*swagger.Item)
modelsList = make(map[string]map[string]swagger.Schema)
curPath, _ := os.Getwd()
astPkgs = map[string]*ast.Package{}
func parsePackagesFromDir(path string) {
list, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
for _, item := range list {
if item.IsDir() && item.Name() != "vendor" {
parsePackagesFromDir(path + "/" + item.Name())
func parsePackageFromDir(path string) {
fileSet := token.NewFileSet()
folderPkgs, err := parser.ParseDir(fileSet, path, func(info os.FileInfo) bool {
name := info.Name()
return !info.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(name, ".") && strings.HasSuffix(name, ".go")
}, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
ColorLog("[ERRO] the model %s parser.ParseDir error\n", path)
for k, v := range folderPkgs {
astPkgs[k] = v
func generateDocs(curpath string) {
@ -414,13 +469,13 @@ func parserComments(comments *ast.CommentGroup, funcName, controllerName, pkgpat
schema.Type = typeFormat[0]
schema.Format = typeFormat[1]
} else {
cmpath, m, mod, realTypes := getModel(schemaName)
m, mod, realTypes := getModel(schemaName)
schema.Ref = "#/definitions/" + m
if _, ok := modelsList[pkgpath+controllerName]; !ok {
modelsList[pkgpath+controllerName] = make(map[string]swagger.Schema, 0)
modelsList[pkgpath+controllerName][schemaName] = mod
appendModels(cmpath, pkgpath, controllerName, realTypes)
appendModels(pkgpath, controllerName, realTypes)
if isArray {
rs.Schema = &swagger.Schema{
@ -460,7 +515,7 @@ func parserComments(comments *ast.CommentGroup, funcName, controllerName, pkgpat
pp := strings.Split(p[2], ".")
typ := pp[len(pp)-1]
if len(pp) >= 2 {
cmpath, m, mod, realTypes := getModel(p[2])
m, mod, realTypes := getModel(p[2])
para.Schema = &swagger.Schema{
Ref: "#/definitions/" + m,
@ -468,7 +523,7 @@ func parserComments(comments *ast.CommentGroup, funcName, controllerName, pkgpat
modelsList[pkgpath+controllerName] = make(map[string]swagger.Schema, 0)
modelsList[pkgpath+controllerName][typ] = mod
appendModels(cmpath, pkgpath, controllerName, realTypes)
appendModels(pkgpath, controllerName, realTypes)
} else {
isArray := false
paraType := ""
@ -610,22 +665,10 @@ func getparams(str string) []string {
return r
func getModel(str string) (pkgpath, objectname string, m swagger.Schema, realTypes []string) {
func getModel(str string) (objectname string, m swagger.Schema, realTypes []string) {
strs := strings.Split(str, ".")
objectname = strs[len(strs)-1]
pkgpath = strings.Join(strs[:len(strs)-1], "/")
curpath, _ := os.Getwd()
pkgRealpath := path.Join(curpath, pkgpath)
fileSet := token.NewFileSet()
astPkgs, err := parser.ParseDir(fileSet, pkgRealpath, func(info os.FileInfo) bool {
name := info.Name()
return !info.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(name, ".") && strings.HasSuffix(name, ".go")
}, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
ColorLog("[ERRO] the model %s parser.ParseDir error\n", str)
packageName := ""
m.Type = "object"
for _, pkg := range astPkgs {
for _, fl := range pkg.Files {
@ -634,7 +677,8 @@ func getModel(str string) (pkgpath, objectname string, m swagger.Schema, realTyp
if k != objectname {
parseObject(d, k, &m, &realTypes, astPkgs)
packageName = pkg.Name
parseObject(d, k, &m, &realTypes, astPkgs, pkg.Name)
@ -647,11 +691,12 @@ func getModel(str string) (pkgpath, objectname string, m swagger.Schema, realTyp
if len(rootapi.Definitions) == 0 {
rootapi.Definitions = make(map[string]swagger.Schema)
objectname = packageName + "." + objectname
rootapi.Definitions[objectname] = m
func parseObject(d *ast.Object, k string, m *swagger.Schema, realTypes *[]string, astPkgs map[string]*ast.Package) {
func parseObject(d *ast.Object, k string, m *swagger.Schema, realTypes *[]string, astPkgs map[string]*ast.Package, packageName string) {
ts, ok := d.Decl.(*ast.TypeSpec)
if !ok {
ColorLog("Unknown type without TypeSec: %v\n", d)
@ -666,7 +711,18 @@ func parseObject(d *ast.Object, k string, m *swagger.Schema, realTypes *[]string
if st.Fields.List != nil {
m.Properties = make(map[string]swagger.Propertie)
for _, field := range st.Fields.List {
realType := ""
isSlice, realType, sType := typeAnalyser(field)
if (isSlice && isBasicType(realType)) || sType == "object" {
if len(strings.Split(realType, " ")) > 1 {
realType = strings.Replace(realType, " ", ".", -1)
realType = strings.Replace(realType, "&", "", -1)
realType = strings.Replace(realType, "{", "", -1)
realType = strings.Replace(realType, "}", "", -1)
} else {
realType = packageName + "." + realType
*realTypes = append(*realTypes, realType)
mp := swagger.Propertie{}
if isSlice {
@ -747,7 +803,7 @@ func parseObject(d *ast.Object, k string, m *swagger.Schema, realTypes *[]string
for _, fl := range pkg.Files {
for nameOfObj, obj := range fl.Scope.Objects {
if obj.Name == fmt.Sprint(field.Type) {
parseObject(obj, nameOfObj, m, realTypes, astPkgs)
parseObject(obj, nameOfObj, m, realTypes, astPkgs, pkg.Name)
@ -793,18 +849,6 @@ func isBasicType(Type string) bool {
return false
// refer to builtin.go
var basicTypes = map[string]string{
"bool": "boolean:",
"uint": "integer:int32", "uint8": "integer:int32", "uint16": "integer:int32", "uint32": "integer:int32", "uint64": "integer:int64",
"int": "integer:int64", "int8": "integer:int32", "int16:int32": "integer:int32", "int32": "integer:int32", "int64": "integer:int64",
"uintptr": "integer:int64",
"float32": "number:float", "float64": "number:double",
"string": "string:",
"complex64": "number:float", "complex128": "number:double",
"byte": "string:byte", "rune": "string:byte",
// regexp get json tag
func grepJSONTag(tag string) string {
r, _ := regexp.Compile(`json:"([^"]*)"`)
@ -816,23 +860,16 @@ func grepJSONTag(tag string) string {
// append models
func appendModels(cmpath, pkgpath, controllerName string, realTypes []string) {
var p string
if cmpath != "" {
p = strings.Join(strings.Split(cmpath, "/"), ".") + "."
} else {
p = ""
func appendModels(pkgpath, controllerName string, realTypes []string) {
for _, realType := range realTypes {
if realType != "" && !isBasicType(strings.TrimLeft(realType, "[]")) &&
!strings.HasPrefix(realType, "map") && !strings.HasPrefix(realType, "&") {
if _, ok := modelsList[pkgpath+controllerName][p+realType]; ok {
if _, ok := modelsList[pkgpath+controllerName][realType]; ok {
//fmt.Printf(pkgpath + ":" + controllerName + ":" + cmpath + ":" + realType + "\n")
_, _, mod, newRealTypes := getModel(p + realType)
modelsList[pkgpath+controllerName][p+realType] = mod
appendModels(cmpath, pkgpath, controllerName, newRealTypes)
_, mod, newRealTypes := getModel(realType)
modelsList[pkgpath+controllerName][realType] = mod
appendModels(pkgpath, controllerName, newRealTypes)