do not rely on goimports

This commit is contained in:
ZhengYang 2014-08-19 17:00:37 +08:00
parent daaccf8972
commit 98b3d4ee37
3 changed files with 94 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
@ -73,11 +74,12 @@ var typeMapping = map[string]string{
// Table represent a table in a database
type Table struct {
Name string
Pk string
Uk []string
Fk map[string]*ForeignKey
Columns []*Column
Name string
Pk string
Uk []string
Fk map[string]*ForeignKey
Columns []*Column
ImportTimePkg bool
// Column reprsents a column for a table
@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ func (tag *OrmTag) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("`orm:\"%s\"`", strings.Join(ormOptions, ";"))
func generateAppcode(driver string, connStr string, level string, tables string, currpath string) {
func generateAppcode(driver, connStr, level, tables, currpath string) {
var mode byte
if level == "1" {
mode = O_MODEL
@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ func generateAppcode(driver string, connStr string, level string, tables string,
// Generate takes table, column and foreign key information from database connection
// and generate corresponding golang source files
func gen(dbms string, connStr string, mode byte, selectedTableNames map[string]bool, currpath string) {
func gen(dbms, connStr string, mode byte, selectedTableNames map[string]bool, currpath string) {
db, err := sql.Open(dbms, connStr)
if err != nil {
ColorLog("[ERRO] Could not connect to %s: %s\n", dbms, connStr)
@ -231,7 +233,8 @@ func gen(dbms string, connStr string, mode byte, selectedTableNames map[string]b
mvcPath.ControllerPath = path.Join(currpath, "controllers")
mvcPath.RouterPath = path.Join(currpath, "routers")
createPaths(mode, mvcPath)
writeSourceFiles(tables, mode, mvcPath, selectedTableNames)
pkgPath := getPackagePath(currpath)
writeSourceFiles(pkgPath, tables, mode, mvcPath, selectedTableNames)
// getTables gets a list table names in current database
@ -398,6 +401,8 @@ func getColumns(db *sql.DB, table *Table, blackList map[string]bool) {
} else if columnDefault == "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" {
tag.AutoNowAdd = true
// need to import time package
table.ImportTimePkg = true
if isSQLDecimal(dataType) {
tag.Digits, tag.Decimals = extractDecimal(columnType)
@ -425,18 +430,18 @@ func createPaths(mode byte, paths *MvcPath) {
// writeSourceFiles generates source files for model/controller/router
// It will wipe the following directories and recreate them:./models, ./controllers, ./routers
// Newly geneated files will be inside these folders.
func writeSourceFiles(tables []*Table, mode byte, paths *MvcPath, selectedTables map[string]bool) {
func writeSourceFiles(pkgPath string, tables []*Table, mode byte, paths *MvcPath, selectedTables map[string]bool) {
if (O_MODEL & mode) == O_MODEL {
ColorLog("[INFO] Creating model files...\n")
writeModelFiles(tables, paths.ModelPath, selectedTables)
ColorLog("[INFO] Creating controller files...\n")
writeControllerFiles(tables, paths.ControllerPath, selectedTables)
writeControllerFiles(tables, paths.ControllerPath, selectedTables, pkgPath)
if (O_ROUTER & mode) == O_ROUTER {
ColorLog("[INFO] Creating router files...\n")
writeRouterFile(tables, paths.RouterPath, selectedTables)
writeRouterFile(tables, paths.RouterPath, selectedTables, pkgPath)
@ -480,18 +485,24 @@ func writeModelFiles(tables []*Table, mPath string, selectedTables map[string]bo
fileStr := strings.Replace(template, "{{modelStruct}}", tb.String(), 1)
fileStr = strings.Replace(fileStr, "{{modelName}}", camelCase(tb.Name), -1)
// if table contains time field, import time.Time package
timePkg := ""
if tb.ImportTimePkg {
timePkg = "\"time\"\n"
fileStr = strings.Replace(fileStr, "{{timePkg}}", timePkg, -1)
if _, err := f.WriteString(fileStr); err != nil {
ColorLog("[ERRO] Could not write model file to %s\n", fpath)
ColorLog("[INFO] model => %s\n", fpath)
// writeControllerFiles generates controller files
func writeControllerFiles(tables []*Table, cPath string, selectedTables map[string]bool) {
func writeControllerFiles(tables []*Table, cPath string, selectedTables map[string]bool, pkgPath string) {
for _, tb := range tables {
// if selectedTables map is not nil and this table is not selected, ignore it
if selectedTables != nil {
@ -526,18 +537,19 @@ func writeControllerFiles(tables []*Table, cPath string, selectedTables map[stri
fileStr := strings.Replace(CTRL_TPL, "{{ctrlName}}", camelCase(tb.Name), -1)
fileStr = strings.Replace(fileStr, "{{pkgPath}}", pkgPath, -1)
if _, err := f.WriteString(fileStr); err != nil {
ColorLog("[ERRO] Could not write controller file to %s\n", fpath)
ColorLog("[INFO] controller => %s\n", fpath)
// writeRouterFile generates router file
func writeRouterFile(tables []*Table, rPath string, selectedTables map[string]bool) {
func writeRouterFile(tables []*Table, rPath string, selectedTables map[string]bool, pkgPath string) {
var nameSpaces []string
for _, tb := range tables {
// if selectedTables map is not nil and this table is not selected, ignore it
@ -557,8 +569,7 @@ func writeRouterFile(tables []*Table, rPath string, selectedTables map[string]bo
// add export controller
fpath := path.Join(rPath, "router.go")
routerStr := strings.Replace(ROUTER_TPL, "{{nameSpaces}}", strings.Join(nameSpaces, ""), 1)
_, projectName := path.Split(path.Dir(rPath))
routerStr = strings.Replace(routerStr, "{{projectName}}", projectName, 1)
routerStr = strings.Replace(routerStr, "{{pkgPath}}", pkgPath, 1)
var f *os.File
var err error
if isExist(fpath) {
@ -586,13 +597,15 @@ func writeRouterFile(tables []*Table, rPath string, selectedTables map[string]bo
ColorLog("[INFO] router => %s\n", fpath)
// formatAndFixImports formats source files (add imports, too)
func formatAndFixImports(filename string) {
cmd := exec.Command("goimports", "-w", filename)
// formatSourceCode formats source files
func formatSourceCode(filename string) {
cmd := exec.Command("gofmt", "-w", filename)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
ColorLog("[WARN] gofmt err: %s\n", err)
// camelCase converts a _ delimited string to camel case
@ -662,6 +675,36 @@ func getFileName(tbName string) (filename string) {
func getPackagePath(curpath string) (packpath string) {
gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH")
Debugf("gopath:%s", gopath)
if gopath == "" {
ColorLog("[ERRO] you should set GOPATH in the env")
appsrcpath := ""
haspath := false
wgopath := filepath.SplitList(gopath)
for _, wg := range wgopath {
wg, _ = filepath.EvalSymlinks(path.Join(wg, "src"))
if filepath.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(curpath), strings.ToLower(wg)) {
haspath = true
appsrcpath = wg
if !haspath {
ColorLog("[ERRO] Can't generate application code outside of GOPATH '%s'\n", gopath)
packpath = strings.Join(strings.Split(curpath[len(appsrcpath)+1:], string(filepath.Separator)), "/")
const (
STRUCT_MODEL_TPL = `package models
@ -670,6 +713,15 @@ const (
MODEL_TPL = `package models
import (
func init() {
@ -799,8 +851,17 @@ func Delete{{modelName}}(id int) (err error) {
package controllers
CTRL_TPL = `package controllers
import (
// oprations for {{ctrlName}}
type {{ctrlName}}Controller struct {
@ -949,8 +1010,7 @@ func (this *{{ctrlName}}Controller) Delete() {
// @APIVersion 1.0.0
ROUTER_TPL = `// @APIVersion 1.0.0
// @Title beego Test API
// @Description beego has a very cool tools to autogenerate documents for your API
// @Contact
@ -960,7 +1020,8 @@ func (this *{{ctrlName}}Controller) Delete() {
package routers
import (
@ -972,10 +1033,10 @@ func init() {

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ package main
import (
@ -60,12 +59,6 @@ func generateMigration(mname, upsql, downsql, curpath string) {
// formatSourceCode formats the source code using gofmt
func formatSourceCode(fpath string) {
cmd := exec.Command("gofmt", "-w", fpath)
const MIGRATION_TPL = `package main
import (

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func generateModel(mname, fields, crupath string) {
content = strings.Replace(content, "{{modelStruct}}", modelStruct, -1)
// gofmt generated source code
ColorLog("[INFO] model file generated: %s\n", fpath)
} else {
// error creating file