mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 19:47:12 +00:00
update the new api application
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ In the appname folder has the follow struct:
├── conf
│ └── app.conf
├── controllers
│ └── default.go
│ └── object.go
│ └── user.go
├── routers
│ └── router.go
├── tests
@ -43,46 +44,64 @@ In the appname folder has the follow struct:
├── main.go
└── models
└── object.go
└── user.go
var apiconf = `
appname = {{.Appname}}
var apiconf = `appname = {{.Appname}}
httpport = 8080
runmode = dev
autorender = false
copyrequestbody = true
EnableDocs = true
var apiMaingo = `package main
import (
_ "{{.Appname}}/docs"
_ "{{.Appname}}/routers"
// Objects
// URL HTTP Verb Functionality
// /object POST Creating Objects
// /object/<objectId> GET Retrieving Objects
// /object/<objectId> PUT Updating Objects
// /object GET Queries
// /object/<objectId> DELETE Deleting Objects
func main() {
if beego.RunMode == "dev" {
beego.DirectoryIndex = true
beego.StaticDir["/swagger"] = "swagger"
var apirouter = `package routers
var apirouter = `// @APIVersion 1.0.0
// @Title beego Test API
// @Description beego has a very cool tools to autogenerate documents for your API
// @Contact astaxie@gmail.com
// @TermsOfServiceUrl http://beego.me/
// @License Apache 2.0
// @LicenseUrl http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
package routers
import (
func init() {
beego.RESTRouter("/object", &controllers.ObjectController{})
ns := beego.NewNamespace("/v1",
@ -138,23 +157,117 @@ func Update(ObjectId string, Score int64) (err error) {
func Delete(ObjectId string) {
delete(Objects, ObjectId)
var apiModels2 = `package models
import (
var (
UserList map[string]*User
func init() {
UserList = make(map[string]*User)
u := User{"user_11111", "astaxie", "11111", Profile{"male", 20, "Singapore", "astaxie@gmail.com"}}
UserList["user_11111"] = &u
type User struct {
Id string
Username string
Password string
Profile Profile
type Profile struct {
Gender string
Age int
Address string
Email string
func AddUser(u User) string {
u.Id = "user_" + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)
UserList[u.Id] = &u
return u.Id
func GetUser(uid string) (u *User, err error) {
if u, ok := UserList[uid]; ok {
return u, nil
return nil, errors.New("User not exists")
func GetAllUsers() map[string]*User {
return UserList
func UpdateUser(uid string, uu *User) (a *User, err error) {
if u, ok := UserList[uid]; ok {
if uu.Username != "" {
u.Username = uu.Username
if uu.Password != "" {
u.Password = uu.Password
if uu.Profile.Age != 0 {
u.Profile.Age = uu.Profile.Age
if uu.Profile.Address != "" {
u.Profile.Address = uu.Profile.Address
if uu.Profile.Gender != "" {
u.Profile.Gender = uu.Profile.Gender
if uu.Profile.Email != "" {
u.Profile.Email = uu.Profile.Email
return u, nil
return nil, errors.New("User Not Exist")
func Login(username, password string) bool {
for _, u := range UserList {
if u.Username == username && u.Password == password {
return true
return false
func DeleteUser(uid string) {
delete(UserList, uid)
var apiControllers = `package controllers
import (
type ResponseInfo struct {
// Operations about object
type ObjectController struct {
// @Title create
// @Description create object
// @Param body body models.Object true "The object content"
// @Success 200 {string} models.Object.Id
// @Failure 403 body is empty
// @router / [post]
func (this *ObjectController) Post() {
var ob models.Object
json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &ob)
@ -163,6 +276,12 @@ func (this *ObjectController) Post() {
// @Title Get
// @Description find object by objectid
// @Param objectId path string true "the objectid you want to get"
// @Success 200 {object} models.Object
// @Failure 403 :objectId is empty
// @router /:objectId [get]
func (this *ObjectController) Get() {
objectId := this.Ctx.Input.Params[":objectId"]
if objectId != "" {
@ -172,13 +291,28 @@ func (this *ObjectController) Get() {
} else {
this.Data["json"] = ob
} else {
obs := models.GetAll()
this.Data["json"] = obs
// @Title GetAll
// @Description get all objects
// @Success 200 {object} models.Object
// @Failure 403 :objectId is empty
// @router / [get]
func (this *ObjectController) GetAll() {
obs := models.GetAll()
this.Data["json"] = obs
// @Title update
// @Description update the object
// @Param objectId path string true "The objectid you want to update"
// @Param body body models.Object true "The body"
// @Success 200 {object} models.Object
// @Failure 403 :objectId is empty
// @router /:objectId [put]
func (this *ObjectController) Put() {
objectId := this.Ctx.Input.Params[":objectId"]
var ob models.Object
@ -193,6 +327,12 @@ func (this *ObjectController) Put() {
// @Title delete
// @Description delete the object
// @Param objectId path string true "The objectId you want to delete"
// @Success 200 {string} delete success!
// @Failure 403 objectId is empty
// @router /:objectId [delete]
func (this *ObjectController) Delete() {
objectId := this.Ctx.Input.Params[":objectId"]
@ -200,6 +340,126 @@ func (this *ObjectController) Delete() {
var apiControllers2 = `package controllers
import (
// Operations about Users
type UserController struct {
// @Title createUser
// @Description create users
// @Param body body models.User true "body for user content"
// @Success 200 {int} models.User.Id
// @Failure 403 body is empty
// @router / [post]
func (u *UserController) Post() {
var user models.User
json.Unmarshal(u.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &user)
uid := models.AddUser(user)
u.Data["json"] = map[string]string{"uid": uid}
// @Title Get
// @Description get all Users
// @Success 200 {object} models.User
// @router / [get]
func (u *UserController) GetAll() {
users := models.GetAllUsers()
u.Data["json"] = users
// @Title Get
// @Description get user by uid
// @Param uid path string true "The key for staticblock"
// @Success 200 {object} models.User
// @Failure 403 :uid is empty
// @router /:uid [get]
func (u *UserController) Get() {
uid := u.GetString(":uid")
if uid != "" {
user, err := models.GetUser(uid)
if err != nil {
u.Data["json"] = err
} else {
u.Data["json"] = user
// @Title update
// @Description update the user
// @Param uid path string true "The uid you want to update"
// @Param body body models.User true "body for user content"
// @Success 200 {object} models.User
// @Failure 403 :uid is not int
// @router /:uid [put]
func (u *UserController) Put() {
uid := u.GetString(":uid")
if uid != "" {
var user models.User
json.Unmarshal(u.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &user)
uu, err := models.UpdateUser(uid, &user)
if err != nil {
u.Data["json"] = err
} else {
u.Data["json"] = uu
// @Title delete
// @Description delete the user
// @Param uid path string true "The uid you want to delete"
// @Success 200 {string} delete success!
// @Failure 403 uid is empty
// @router /:uid [delete]
func (u *UserController) Delete() {
uid := u.GetString(":uid")
u.Data["json"] = "delete success!"
// @Title login
// @Description Logs user into the system
// @Param username query string true "The username for login"
// @Param password query string true "The password for login"
// @Success 200 {string} lonin success
// @Failure 403 user not exist
// @router /login [get]
func (u *UserController) Login() {
username := u.GetString("username")
password := u.GetString("password")
if models.Login(username, password) {
u.Data["json"] = "login success"
} else {
u.Data["json"] = "user not exist"
// @Title logout
// @Description Logs out current logged in user session
// @Success 200 {string} logout success
// @router /logout [get]
func (u *UserController) Logout() {
u.Data["json"] = "logout success"
var apiTests = `package test
@ -262,10 +522,12 @@ func createapi(cmd *Command, args []string) {
fmt.Println("create conf:", path.Join(apppath, "conf"))
os.Mkdir(path.Join(apppath, "controllers"), 0755)
fmt.Println("create controllers:", path.Join(apppath, "controllers"))
os.Mkdir(path.Join(apppath, "docs"), 0755)
fmt.Println("create docs:", path.Join(apppath, "docs"))
os.Mkdir(path.Join(apppath, "models"), 0755)
fmt.Println(path.Join(apppath, "routers") + string(path.Separator))
os.Mkdir(path.Join(apppath, "routers"), 0755)
fmt.Println("create models:", path.Join(apppath, "models"))
os.Mkdir(path.Join(apppath, "routers"), 0755)
fmt.Println(path.Join(apppath, "routers") + string(path.Separator))
os.Mkdir(path.Join(apppath, "tests"), 0755)
fmt.Println("create tests:", path.Join(apppath, "tests"))
@ -273,10 +535,14 @@ func createapi(cmd *Command, args []string) {
writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "conf", "app.conf"),
strings.Replace(apiconf, "{{.Appname}}", args[0], -1))
fmt.Println("create controllers default.go:", path.Join(apppath, "controllers", "default.go"))
writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "controllers", "default.go"),
fmt.Println("create controllers object.go:", path.Join(apppath, "controllers", "object.go"))
writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "controllers", "object.go"),
strings.Replace(apiControllers, "{{.Appname}}", packpath, -1))
fmt.Println("create controllers user.go:", path.Join(apppath, "controllers", "user.go"))
writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "controllers", "user.go"),
strings.Replace(apiControllers2, "{{.Appname}}", packpath, -1))
fmt.Println("create tests default.go:", path.Join(apppath, "tests", "default_test.go"))
writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "tests", "default_test.go"),
strings.Replace(apiTests, "{{.Appname}}", packpath, -1))
@ -288,6 +554,12 @@ func createapi(cmd *Command, args []string) {
fmt.Println("create models object.go:", path.Join(apppath, "models", "object.go"))
writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "models", "object.go"), apiModels)
fmt.Println("create models user.go:", path.Join(apppath, "models", "user.go"))
writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "models", "user.go"), apiModels2)
fmt.Println("create docs doc.go:", path.Join(apppath, "docs", "doc.go"))
writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "docs", "doc.go"), "package docs")
fmt.Println("create main.go:", path.Join(apppath, "main.go"))
writetofile(path.Join(apppath, "main.go"),
strings.Replace(apiMaingo, "{{.Appname}}", packpath, -1))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user