2018-11-12 11:43:14 +01:00

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786 B

# MutlitenantStack
This is a project to demonstrate multi tenancy usage in beego using postgres and separated databases
The api was scaffolded using:
`bee api multitenantStack -driver=postgres -conn="host= port=5435 user=postgres password=postgre dbname=company_template sslmode=disable"`
then `bee run -downdoc=true``
To regenerate docs simply run `bee generate docs`
- company controller, create databases and so on
- Update not found to json
- load db connections from config
## Notes:
- Fixes have been placed into the beego orm for setting the timezone when using NewOrmWithDB()
## Management tools
- create databases,
- run different migrations on template and system
- run migrations on all company tables (list, connect, migrate)
- generate password